Wednesday, May 12, 2004


I am truly experiencing what it means to have freedom in boundaries. The first time Adam held my hand he did it in prayer (as I posted earlier). That was last Thursday. The second time was also in prayer (but we just didn't let go when we finished). That was Sunday night. The third time...he just held my hand to hold it. We prayed before we let go. That was Monday. As I held his hand, I got a bit nervous because I wondered..."Ok, we have made it this far, so, what's next?" We hadn't discussed any boundaries and God was laying it on my heart that now is the time.

I brought my concerns to Adam on Monday morning and last night, after praying about it, we discussed boundaries. I am amazed at how God was with us, guiding our conversation as we talked about things that would put us in a situation of temptation. It should have been much more difficult than it was but God helped us through it. Our boundaries are clear and concise...right from the heart of God. I can't believe how easy it was to discuss this with somebody who has never done anything more with me physically than holding my hand.

People always hear about the freedom that comes with I am experiencing that freedom. I don't have to be afraid about crossing some invisible, indistinct line because the lines are now very distinct and visible. Our boundaries are very conserved...straight from the heart of God. I now have the freedom of knowing that I can trust Adam to respect me when we are together. We have agreed to hold one another accountable. Sue is holding us accountable too. I am so thankful for that. I have the blessing of knowing that God has forgiven me of my past and given me a clean slate to begin again. I do feel pure. I do feel washed and clean and I want to keep it that way. This time I WILL save myself for my husband...just as God would have it. I am so thankful that my God is a God of second chances. He truly does look at our hearts and blesses our obedience. The reward is far more than I could ever have hoped for or imagined, just like He promised it would be. God has given me PLUNDER! And I don't intend to do anything to tarnish my gift! Now, I feel safe in walking with God to the next level in this relationship...and I will walk WITH Him...not ahead of Him, not behind Him...but, right beside Him. I would like to invite all who read this take part in our journey by bathing us in prayer each step of the way. Sue and I will keep you up to date.

I will close with an excerpt from an email Adam sent to me this morning:

"I am so speechless how God is weaving our hearts together even now. I will take his hand and allow him to lead us. He has taken upon him every blemish and stain from our past so that we can be pure to walk into tomorrow."


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