Monday, June 30, 2003


I haven't prayed today. Instead, I am blogging about how I don't pray as effectively as I should. I feel close to God when I study His Word. He talks to me that way. I feel close to Him when I fellowship with other believers. I really feel close to Him during praise and worship and when listening to the preaching of His word. I try to walk close beside Jesus and live my life in a way that will glorify Him. But, when I pray (which isn't frequent enough) there seems to be something missing in the connection. There's something blocking me from intimate communion with the Love of my life. I find this discouraging and therefore am even less motivated to pray again at another time.

I am truly struggling in my prayer life as I am struggling in my personal life. The weird thing is......God still provides. I guess that goes to show that He truly does know the desires of our hearts even before we make our requests known to Him. He just wants to hear from us. So, I'll continue to work on this weak area in my Christian walk and I will PRAY for Him to draw me close. That can be scary because sometimes when I pray like that, circumstances arise that force me on my knees. I wonder..... if I prayed more intimately and regularly...........could that prevent some of those difficult circumstances? I imagine it probably would.

Father, I pray that you will cause others to pray for this weakness in my walk with You.

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