Thursday, June 19, 2003


Lately I have been reading blogs and have been reading the discussions along with certain posts. Recently some posts have garnered the attention of readers who have added their own comments. Sometimes I comment, but often I simply read the different opinions expressed there. Here are some of the discussions I found interesting:

  • At the Starloft Jennifer posted a conversation she had online with a friend. It sparked much more conversation among readers about dating and relationships, what is yoking, and some other stuff thrown in. Sometimes the conversation got a bit rough, but it has a happy ending.

  • At last count there were 51 comments to Jake Rinard's post on Harry Potter, "Boy Wizard Changing Teens into Witches?"

  • Megan at Silentmessenger has an interesting post that had me thinking what biblical character would make a good husband? I figure guys could share who might make a great wife too!

  • Michael is wondering What Are Churches Teaching? He has two posts Part 1 and Part 2.

  • Well? What would you do if you were suddenly flashed on your way to work? I think I'd do exactly what Gann's did! Look for the Wednesday, June 18th post titled "Ewwwww". Ganns is a funny man and an awesome Christian. Read some of his blog...he can touch the heart with how much he is in love with his wife and his yet unborn child. I love reading about how excited he is about that kid! (*pop ups galore here, but soon to be gone.*)

  • So? What's your take on Christians drinking alcohol or getting tatooed? Here's Megan's post on that very subject and she admits a change of heart possibly.
  • Look for her Thursday, June 19 post.

  • Brandon at Mosiac Life has a brief post on the recent declaration that the James Ossuary find was a fake. What are Christians thinking about that? Look for the Wednesday, June 18 post and go comment!

  • I just can't get into Friday Five's and most memes. But, then one day along came Owen with a wonderful idea. The Daily Biscuit over at Gooddogbaddog. There are some great thought provoking questions there for you to answer either on your own blog or in the comment section there. Feed the dog!

  • Well, that's all for now. That was just a short summary of what has caught my attention recently. There's more, but I've got to start getting ready for work. What a drag!

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