Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Boy! It Sure is Hot in Tennessee!

Whew! I've been outside for approximately 20 minutes and I'm exhausted! I hauled a bunch of large logs/wood/branches/bed parts and a headless concrete goose out to the road for trash removal. It's very warm and VERY humid today. So there's nothing like the snap! pop fizzzzzzz of opening up an ice cold Coke! Aaaahhhhhhhh!

It's my parents' anniversary today. It think it's 37 years????!!!! I just can't keep that stuff straight. That's okay, I doubt if dad does either! LOL What is important is that I have awesome parents that love me.

I am so blessed to have parents that offer help when I need it so I don't even have to ask, and when I do they don't hesitate. I have a mom who loves to talk to me every night online and waits for me. I call her when I am stressed out and have decisions to make. She always has a way of making everything ok just by the soothing smoothness, and quietness of her confident voice. "Everything will work out. It will all be fine." and sometimes she goes on to say "have I been wrong about that yet?" and I can honestly say that she hasn't. Everything does work out.

I have a dad whose greatest concern is taking care of his family and he does it so well. Even though my sisters and I are grown and out on our own, he still takes care of us. I know who to call when I'm hearing a strange sound under the hood of my car. I know who to ask for advice on what I should do about getting something in my house fixed.

I know who to call when I just need to feel loved. Actually, I don't even need to call. My parents raised me in a way that I never doubted their love for me. I can sit here and just know they love me.

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