Sunday, June 15, 2003


Katie calls me an introvert. Am I? I don't know...I'm tending to believe that I am not. I am not the most open about my deepest thoughts and feelings. I do keep most things to myself and share only with my closest friends. I have never had a huge gathering of friends...usually I have one real close friend and sometimes one or two other good friends.

Growing up I always found myself in leadership roles. I was in band and became a section/squad leader. I was in youth group and became chairman of the religion committee. I was involved with softball and became one of the leaders on most any team I played on. In college I found myself again leading sections in band and eventually became a band director at a middle school. I am now managing my own music retail store. Do introverts normally end up in leadership roles?

Or in front of large groups of people teaching? Or serving customers?

I was not a popular person in school, mainly because I'd rather be surrounded by real friends who love me for me, than people who just want to be known as cool because they hang around "cool" people. Shame...they never learned how cool I am! LOL I was and am well-liked by people. Never had enemies of note. I was and am invited to activities and people want me around. I haven't noticed people running away when they see me coming.

Introversion: 1 : the act of introverting : the state of being introverted

2 : the state or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life.

This whole question came about because our normal SaLT groups at church are going through a Summer SaLT Shake. In an effort to deter "cliques" from forming and to help members get to know more people, we were randomly placed in new SaLT groups for the summer. I think that's pretty cool. Katie volunteered our house. I'm cool with that. *Warning Warning* Katie is NOT here for the first meeting or the second. This concerned me. I don't know what to do with people. A gathering of people at my house? Oh no! What do I do? What if they want food? or drink? Where will we all sit? I freaked out.

Katie made arrangements for the gatherings to take place at Keith's house for these first two sessions. Whew! That was close!

When I told some people at church today that it wasn't at my place they naturally wondered why. I said "I'm an introvert and don't have a clue how to hostess a gathering. It's gonna be at Keith's until Katie gets back from Massachusettes."

Then they asked "Why do you call yourself an 'introvert'"? Where did you get that idea?" I thought for a minute and said "Katie calls me an introvert and sometimes I really wonder if that's true?" They wouldn't call me and introvert and we concluded that my problem is not socializing, it's hospitality. I do not have the gift! They also reminded me that anyone, when compared to Katie, would be an introvert! LOL

Katie is extrovert extrodinaire! LOL She called to tell me about her plane trip to MA and all the conversation she had with other traveller's. She can have a conversation with anyone at anytime at anyplace. It's a gift for her. That's why she's a good evangelist! One day she about started a revival in the ER of the local hospital when she stopped to take an elderly woman to the hospital after a traffic accident. She will share her God experiences with everyone who has ears. Sometimes I wish I had that ability! I have been to ER and I'm not sure I've spoken anything beyond "it's hurts there" and I've travelled on airplanes and never spoke to a soul, except to thank the captain for the safe flight and for bringing me back home.

Compared to Katie, I am an introvert. But, I conclude that according to the above mentioned definition...I am NOT an introvert, at least not to a debilitating degree. I simply lack hospitality skills. I blame that on my aversion to flavorful foods. (That's another blog)

Extrovert: one whose personality is characterized by extroversion; broadly : a gregarious and unreserved person

Yep, that's Katie to a T!

Introvert: to turn inward or in upon itself: as a : to concentrate or direct upon oneself

Possibly describes something about me, but that's not everything! can be relative.

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