Thursday, July 31, 2003

Acts 16:31

"Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, you and your household" (Acts 16:31).

It's funny how we think we know how God thinks. I remember the night I realized that I was going to have to file for divorce in order to get on with life. It was Thanksgiving weekend 2000. I sat in the basement of my rental house and thought back to a time, earlier in my marriage, when I claimed a promise from God. It was during my daily quiet time when I was studying "Experiencing God". I remember so clearly, sitting at the end of the table, by the window, in the tiny kitchen of our old rental house. I was concerned about my husbands need for salvation. I had been thinking about a message that I had heard about God only knocking for so long before he stops dealing with our hearts regarding salvation. I questioned God in prayer as to whether or not he had stopped dealing with my husband. I was praying with tears streaming down my face. After praying, I went back to studying "Experiencing God" and got this rhema from Acts. (A rhema is a verse that jumps out at you and answers a's like a kiss from God!) I claimed this scripture as a promise from God.

For several years I waited for God to fulfill His promise to me and there I sat, at the bottom of the basement steps. As I wept bitterly, from the bottom of the pit of my life, I cried out, " YOU PROMISED ME! YOU PROMISED!!!!!!!!!!" Susan came down at that point to offer me comfort. I have tears in my eyes as I sit here and reflect on the compassion and wisdom in her voice as she told me......."Katie, everyone in this household is saved."

God didn't work things out the way I had hoped, but He did fulifill His promise. This was a time in my life when I was once again reminded that His thoughts are not like mine and neither are His ways.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD" (Isaiah 55:8)

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