Monday, July 07, 2003

Questions to Ponder

What would the world be like if God removed every Christian and nobody left believed in God?

What kind of world would we be living in if the law was simply, "Do what ever makes you happy?"

What would it be like if everybody waited until marriage before having sex?

What if the expression "coming out of the closet" referred to hidden Christianity instead of hidden sexuality?

What would the world be like if every born again believer in the world today came "out of the closet" and stood firm for what they believed in?

If Christians and homosexuals really did hide in closets.........which of the closet would need to be bigger?

What would the world be like if every single person was a born again believer on fire for God?

Would there be a need for jails, abortion clinics, condoms, birth control, or drug rehab?

Would there be a need to fight to keep the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman?

What would it be like if the entire world lived according to God's plan and not our own?

What if all Christians in America today took a stand for the sanctity of marriage and fought the law being passed in Massachusetts permitting same sex marriages?

This is not a blog to bash homosexuals because God commands us to love. We are to love the sinner but hate the sin. This is a blog to encourage all born again Christians to come out of the closet and proclaim your faith. It is to encourage you to pray and seek God's face as to what He would have you to do regarding this law that will make a mockery out of the institution of marriage. You can begin by praying and then visiting the American Family Association's web page to find out what you can do to keep the holy union of marriage...holy. Just because it is ordained by man doesn't mean it will be ordained by God.

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