Thursday, July 17, 2003

Friday Five

The Friday Five

1. When was the last time you cheated? Well, if it's in school, I can't even remember! I'll go with the fact that I fill out paperwork as though I've been keeping up with it all along at work could be considered cheating. You know, the old use different pens and colors, use different style handwriting, give it that "used" look, just in time for the store audit.

2. When was the last time you stole? Well, does it count if I "accidently" stole something? Way back when I was in a Spencer's Gifts. I picked up something (I don't remember what) and thought about purchasing it. I continued browsing around the store, but eventually left. I had wandered around the mall for a good while before I realized I still had that item from Spencer's! I immediately headed back to the store and put the item back. I didn't get caught, but I could have and now that I manage a store I realize how foolish I would've sounded saying "I forgot I had it."

3. When was the last time you lied? I'm basically an honest person, but I guess when people call to check on applications and I tell them "I'll pull it out take a look at it and get back to you if need be." Often, but not always, I do take their name, pull out the app.

4. When was the last time you broke or vandalized another's property? Well, I broke Katie's lamp one day kicking my shoe off my foot at the top of the stairs. So, it went a little further than I expected and in the totally wrong direction. It wasn't intentional or anything. The last intentional thing happened, when I was a kid I had a bad case of cranial rectal inversion (CRI) and took a stone to the paint on my dad's car. I drew some pretty neat designs I think. Dad didn't think so. I had to work that one off! I cried A LOT!

5. When was the last time you hurt a loved one? Probably today when I got snippy because of the chaos around the house. TVs, video games, kids singing, whistling and fighting while Katie and I try to have a conversation. It drives me crazy!

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