Monday, May 12, 2003

What Song "Does It" For You?

Author:  Susan L. Prince

When Tony commented in my "Death" post, he reminded me of something. He reminded me of how music can have a profound affect on someone. Much of this post I copied from my reply comment, but I thought it might be interesting to post here.

Tony spoke of the hymn "How Great Thou Art" and how he needs to stand for that one. I agree! That hymn is also one of my favs, which is saying a lot because I usually don't enjoy anything written before 1990! I stand during that one too! Once I was the only one least for a little while, everyone eventually joined me.

"Amazing Grace" on bagpipes at my aunts funeral had another profound effect. She loved the bagpipes. When I learned she was going to die from cancer within months, I said "she'll have bagpipes at her funeral" and sure enough, she planned her funeral and was going to have bagpipes play Amazing Grace. She died a bit sooner than expected, but a week prior to her death I sent to her the story behind the song. I don't know if she knew its history before that or not, but I know she knew it for the last few days of her life. The song has taken on a whole new meaning for me...and bagpipes? Whoa! I tear up at the slightest sound!

My aunt, when I was a kid, took our family to the Scottish Games in Wooster, Ohio one year. I watched some interesting contests and all - day - long all I heard were bagpipes. I'm not sure they have such a "sweet sound" LOL but after having heard them all day long, my ears were ringing. That night when I came home I remember mowing the lawn and the sound of the mower was bagpipes bagpipes bagpipes! LOL That sound has a tendency to stick!

I'm curious to know what song(s) "does it" for you?

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