Friday, May 09, 2003

What Is It?

Author: Katie

Today Sue came to watch Justin march. The Strawberry Festival lasts a week and ends with a parade on the last two days of the festival. For a short while, I walked with the moms behind the band. I watched as my son played and marched in front of me. What is it that makes a mom get a lump in her throat when she watches her child perform? What is it that causes a mom's eyes to well up with tears as she watches her daughter gracefully float across the stage using her God given gift of dance to worship? Even more….what is it that causes the “not the momma” to react in the same manner the "momma" does?

I get so moved when I see the bond Sue has with my kids. I remember how we were instantly connected when we all met in person for the first time. I remember how our hearts were torn apart when she went back to Iowa. There was something unusual going on inside all of us. “All that I can say is its God.” God was at work fulfilling His plan in our lives and we had NOOOOOOOO CLUE! He truly is the foundation of this friendship. After all, what else would cause a single, free-spirited woman to be willing to sacrifice the life of quietness and freedom to move to a place of chaos, where she has never been, and take on the responsibility for a family she didn’t ask for or create?

Sometimes we get on each other’s nerves, but over all, we have an awesome friendship….framily. I used to have a rule (and still do with one exception) that friends should never become roomies because it could be the downfall of the friendship. Not in this case! NosireeeBob! The support and patience my friend shows to us is beyond compare. The sacrifices she makes each day to see our needs met is unbelievable. What is it that compels her to care for us so? She is not obligated to do this! When I tell her that she simply replies with, “I am obligated to God and I am here because God wants me to be.”

Who am I that I should be so blessed? Every day I have something to be thankful for. In the worst of situations, this provision for my life is something I can always praise God for. The Bible teaches that we should offer up a sacrifice of praise to God in all situations. Even if I could find no other reason, I could truly it in at least one faithful servant of our Lord. …."susanlprince".

On the other hand, I am so blessed that I can find many reasons to praise Him even in the direst of circumstances.

To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

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