Thursday, May 22, 2003

A Backwards World

Author: Katie

Today on the news I heard that schools were dropping classes like baseball, band, music...etc... because of lack of funding. Teachers are getting laid off and class sizes are growing. Janitors are losing their jobs and teachers are having to sweep and take out the trash before going home each day.

Later today, another program was on. It was a sports program. A couple basketball stars were being interviewed. One of them had just signed a deal with some sneaker company. He is getting paid $100,000,000.00 for signing the contract. Now, I'm not a sports person at all. I may have misunderstood and that may have been his contract to play. In any case........I think America has things backwards. That could pay the salary for a few band teachers and sports programs in school. What will the kids do that want to go to college to major in music or sports? What kind of scholarships will they be able to earn if they have no experience from the highschool level? What about the lousy salaries that over-worked under-paid teachers get? I think every famous, multi-billionaire athlete should sponsor a school and donate to help that school educate children in the basics as well as the arts. It's the same way with big name actors and actresses. There are so many wealthy people who have more money than can be spent. So, why not use it to help public education? It's the future. What will it be like when these kids are running our country? Things in this world are so messed up. So unjust. So........backwards.

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