Friday, August 01, 2003

Earthly Cousin, Heavenly Sister

I just finished having a conversation with a long lost cousin. We have never been really close in the past but recently we both discovered that each of us is a Christian. Now, I am not talking about somebody who said a prayer, goes to church and lives holy holy on Sunday and helly helly on Monday thru Saturday. I'm talking about a sister in Christ who dies to herself daily... moment by moment. She is such an inspiration to me. She has this insatiable hunger for the Word of God and feeds daily on the Truth of His Word. She focuses her heart on hearing His voice. She told me about how God placed a conviction on her heart because she gave credit to a woman for the tribe (seven children) she created. The conviction was a still, small Voice that said...."No, I am the Creator". I am so touched.

My cousin, Kathleen is coming to visit in December and I can't wait! It is so nice to know that somebody in my Earthly family is on fire for our Lord. Heck she's not even insane! (I don't think.) I am amazed at how relationships change when God is the foundation. My Earthly cousin is five years born again! She is adopted by my Father and we are now sisters in Christ......that's what it's all about my fellow bloggers! We are family! I got all my sisters (and brothers) in me! Wooohooo! I pray that God will use us to strengthen and encourage one another towards the goal.....Christlikeness. I want to be more like Jesus.

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