Thursday, April 08, 2004

Is He a Christian? Part II

My post Is He a Christian? from a couple of days ago prompted some discussion at PBGs. He is concerned that someone might see his "attitude as blasphemous".

As I have written elsewhere, I have a knee-jerk reaction to the word "jesus" (lower case 'j' intentional). I continue to have associations between jesus and evangelical-born-again-Christians. The negative connotation stems from the secular world's general disdain of all things religious. It also stems from the witness attempts by groups such as the Mormons (more formally The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), Jehovah's witness, and others.

I agree that the jesus of the Mormon's and/or Jehovah's Witness is not my Jesus. Many in the secular world would not differentiate the two. How confusing it can be to be someone seeking the Truth.

Ron Shank has joined the conversation over at PBGs and has asked that we join him in praying for this fellow blogger. Ron also notes "to those who want to blast this man for his thoughts, be careful, please. He is obviously being called by God and our purpose should not be to discourage him, but to allow him to discover God's plan and to help that be revealed in his life."

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