Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Death is Just a Doorway

To a believer death is just a doorway. What about to a non-believer? Is death just a doorway?

Yes, I would say that most believe death is a doorway. A doorway to "the other side".

What is in question, is that once that threshold is crossed, where is it that the doorway has led? What is through that door? What is on the other side?

I posted a little bit on this in my post a few months back called "The Gift of Death" because I was reading a book called "One Minute After You Die" by Erwin Lutzer. In it the author explores what happens one minute after death and uses many biblical grounds for what he writes about. It is a very interesting read, if you read the few excerpts at Amazon, you'll see what I mean!

As a believer in Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God, who came to earth and atoned for my sin through death on a cross, and resurrection from the grave, I have hope in the fact that death is a doorway. Because He conquered death, He gave me life. My life is eternal because it is with Him I shall forever be. When I move through the doorway, I will be moving from life, to life. Everlasting life with my Creator, and my Father who loves me. When I die I will immediately be face to face with the Lover of my Soul. The Eyes of the One who can not love me more, and can not love me less, will be looking into mine. I will feel the Grace of God like I have never experienced before. He is at this very moment, preparing a place for me. Sometimes I am very anxious to get there!

To a believer death is nothing to fear, it is moving to life. To a non-believer, I fear, that death is the end. No more hope, no more joy, no more happiness, only fear and gnashing of teeth. Imagine being so uncomfortable and not being able to do anything to bring comfort! Jesus explains that there is no escape from this destiny, once the doorway to death is opened and closed, in Luke 16. Where you are one minute after you die is where you will spend eternity.

In heaven, the reward will be great. I think Matthew 5 gives us great insight into the rewards of heaven too: The mourning will be comforted, no hunger or thirsting, the pure in heart will see God, the meek will be strong, etc. In 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 we are told "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." We learn about surpassing riches and about gaining beyond what we can even imagine about heaven from certain passages in the bible. Interestingly enough, the bible doesn't ever really come out and say "Yo, dudes, this is exactly what heaven will be like." We couldn't comprehend it all anyway, but God in His infinite wisdom has given us some subtle clues about what we have to look forward to. Revelations gives us even more to go on when we are told that there will be no hunger, thirst (7:16 ) and no death or pain (21:4). It's hard to even imagine what being in the Presence of the Alpha and Omega will be like, but if the prophets who have gone before can give us any indication, we will most likely be on our face, praising Him. I will drop to me knees in reverence I'm sure, and be totally overwhelmed. I will revel in His Mercy and Grace!

What is through the door for the non-believer? Death. Separation from God. Forever. Judgement. The end. There is no turning back. Once one is cast from heaven, there is no chance to return. There is only hell.

Jesus Christ, who rose from the grave, (which proves his Divinity), declares that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one goes to God except through Him. No one. God is in heaven, therefore, the way to get to heaven is through Christ. Christ knocks at the door....He is in the doorway. To go through that doorway, one needs to open and walk through when He knocks! Be sure you choose the right door!

Death is just a doorway. Have you thought about where that doorway leads? Are you going to heaven?

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