Sunday, September 14, 2003

My Journey

On my way from Jackson, TN to Columbus, OH I had a lot of time in the car. I brought along my bible on CD and listened to the end of Luke's gospel and all of John. Jesus is amazing.

He always had the perfect answer for every challenging question. The woman about to be stoned for adultery. What was Jesus drawing in the sand? John says He was "writing". What was he writing? I want to know! I doodle. Was Jesus doodling in the dirt? And the woman? Did she "go and sin no more"? She had just escaped a death sentence...I want to know what happened after that?

I had lots of different thoughts as I listened. I was thinking about how the blind can't see unless God opens their eyes. God only opens the eyes of those who want to see. Truly want to see. I pondered that awhile. It seems that the Word is right...the blind don't want to see. Those in the darkness wish to remain there because it feels "safe". Hiding in the darkness will not expose their weaknesses, their sin. Stepping into the Light is freeing, but to the blind, it is something they can't even begin to understand. How do you explain color/light to someone blind from birth?

I also considered for awhile the nard that Mary poured on Jesus. His burial perfumes. I wondered about that strong scent still being on him as He prayed in the garden. I wondered if that scent followed him straight to the cross, and into the tomb. As that cross was carried, could people smell his burial perfumes as he was led to the hill? He loved much.

I was so moved by Jesus restoring Peter after the three denials. Jesus asking Peter "Do you love me?" three times and then trusting Peter with such responsibility to share the Good News. I pondered what it must have been like for Peter to realize why Jesus asked him three times? Peter, according to John's description, seemed annoyed that Jesus felt He needed to ask Peter three times. I wonder if the day came where Peter "got it"? A moment that Peter realized the forgiveness and the unconditional love that Jesus demonstrated as He asked? I remember the moment that I realized the forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus. It's a moment I won't ever forget.

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