Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bible Study at the Park

Katie and I headed to Davy Crockett Lake for some study time in the Word. We are working through Beth Moore's "Believing God" study and currently Moore is leading us through a "spiritual biography" of our lives. We have divided our life up into fifths, so for me it basically means I am exploring the first 8 years of my life, then from age 9-17, 18-26, so on until my current age, which this year will be 25-15. (That's my way of remaining a teenager! LOL)

It is really neat to consider how God's hand has been in my life all the while...even when I wasn't noticing. This study is guiding me through the "spiritual markers" and pulling out those moments and memories and everyday life throughout my upbringing that reminds me of His great love for me.

Before and after our Bible study, we spent time on the dock over the lake and also enjoyed the swings. Oh, and at one point, I tried to raise a tree to make things right in the forest again. We took the dogs with us to the park...that will be the last time! They were too distracting to keep an eye on while trying to study.

Click on the picture to view more pictures from our day at Davy Crockett Lake in Humboldt, TN.

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