Friday, January 02, 2004


I have the "After the holiday rush let down I couldn't wait for resting time blues." I love the holiday season. I love to celebrate my Savior. I love to watch Christmas specials and drink hot cocoa and sit by warm firplaces with friends. I love going to Christmas parties, pageants, and services. I love Christmas shopping and wrapping presents. I wish I could imagine my house all decorated and "poof" it would be done. I wish I could do all my shopping and wrapping in one day and just enjoy looking at the decorations and participating in festivities without all the hustle and bustle. Every day is filled with so much demand on time that before you know it, Christmas day has come and gone...the day that you've looked forward to and prepared for for so long is over and it all seems like a blur. There's nothing left but decorations gathering dust waiting to be packed away for the next year.

So, the time has come at last......the rush is over. Things have quieted down and the parties are finished. The mess is cleaned up and there are no commitments. I sit here with a choice of things to do. I could read, watch a movie, blog, write a letter...pray...whatever I want. I should be overjoyed but for some reason there this feeling of melancholy because the rush is over and the holiday is through...and it almost seems that I've missed it. Humans are strange. We're never satisfied are we?

I know I didn't miss the holiday. I spent time with my family. I got wonderful gifts and God blessed me in so many ways that I could blog for a week and never get it all in. But, it was the rush and the constant mad whilrwind I seemed to be in that made it appear that somehow Christmas got by without me. I keep hoping for the time when it becomes simple...but then, being the human I am, I will probably complain about how I miss the days when I would be rushing around for the kids and parties and blah blah whine whine complain complain...right?

Anyhow, I always get this way between Christmas and the first week of the New Year. Once I get Christmas packed away I will be fine. I'm not motivated to do that right now because I just need a couple days of no commitments and I have them so I am not committing to cleaning up Christmas decorations. I'll just sit here with my melancholy self and love every minute of it!

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