Monday, January 26, 2004

From Long and Lush to Stubby Nubby

I am very critical about myself. I often complain about different things that I don't like about my physical appearance. I know some people will be tempted to tell me how terrible it is to criticize God's creation. But, I let His creation get out of shape (I'm currently working on that though and having some success finally). Anyhow, one thing I love about me is my eyelashes. ( I also like the part of my arm between my elbow and wrist.) I have always had long thick eyelashes. Well, not anymore!

Those hair remover pens need to have a warning label! "Warning! Do not trim eyebrows when holding pen in vertical position!" Yes, I accidentally shaved my eyelashes while attempting to trim my eyebrows. At first I had this little space right in the middle of my eyelid where there were stubby nubbs surrounded by long, thick eyelashes. And of course, the other eye had all long lashes. So, I had to do the inevitable...I had to trimm all of my long, lush lashes down to stubby nubby lashes. At least they all go togehter now. :(

Oh, well, I am thankful to God that He made lashes to grow back. So, I will be patient and deal with my stubby nubs for the next month or so. I looked it up...they should grow 1 cm within the next month. So, they should be back to normal before my next, I'm going to be closer to 40 than 30 this year. That is creepy!

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