Thursday, February 26, 2004

Soap Box

I am really getting tired of all the negativity put on things by a liberal press who's opinions are not only continuously immoral, but often completely wrong. I could bring up a list of examples but for now, I am only going to focus on one. It blows my mind how I read so much about the anti-Semitism and some fanatical "Christians" who have reacted completely wrong to this movie. If there was a room of a thousand people and 3 felt that it was an attack on Jews...guess what the headlines would read?

History is history. However, all true believers know that it was the Jews as well as the Gentiles that put Christ on the cross! Every sinner that has ever lived has taken their turn pounding in the nails. I know I have. To this day people of all walks of life continue to live in ways that are no less cruel than what every non-believer in Jesus' time on Earth did. The facts are as they are. To quote the Pope, "It is as it was." The idea wasn't to judge the Jews. In fact, I do believe there is a part that speaks of "...greater love has no one than this, that he should lay down his life for his friends????" I believe that was AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MOVIE!! So, what is the message we are supposed to get from Gibson's new film??? Oh, and critics seem to forget the part about loving enemies??? Then there was the healing of the soldier's ear and the scolding of Peter to put down his sword. I do believe that Jesus told him to lay down his sword! When I watched the movie, I saw some extremely compassionate Jews...including Simon, the thief to Christ's left and especially Jewish women.

I believe Mel Gibson covered every aspect of the crucifixion humanly possible (or bearable)...from all angles with no particular bias. Try to convince the secular media to believe and promote that! The only thing intended from this film was a reality check that I believe was needed by Christians and secular society as well. The unbelieving Jews needed a reality check. The unbelieving Gentiles needed a reality check. Christians who have become complacent needed a reality check. Christians who have never really understood just exactly how big of a sacrifice was made in their behalf needed a reality check. I needed a reality check. It is true, the gruesomeness of the movie is almost unbearable. I have been deeply (but necessarily) disturbed from watching it and it is not something I believe any child should watch. However, the movie came with its warning labels so nobody can blame Mel Gibson if they couldn't handle it. Nobody is being forced or tricked into it. Everybody has the opportunity to choose to stay home. I know some people who, for their own personal reasons, have decided to do just that..and I have no problem with their decision. I completely understand.

In some studies I have done about Christ, I have read and heard literal descriptions of how Christ's body probably looked as it hung in death. I have heard descriptions of ribbons of flesh dangling and exposure of organs. He didn't even appear to be human! This is what happened when the real crucifixion took place. What the Jews of that day did during this time is no worse than what the "Christians" did during the Holocaust. It's a historical fact. Mankind has a history of being selfish and cruel beyond words. It belongs to no particular group of people. Every race, culture, and nation has had their part in horrendous cruelty. What is really sad is that we blame and punish people who weren't even alive when our ancestors behaved so ignorantly. Why can't we just love each other simply because we are all human? We belong to the same species for heaven's sake! Christ's message is one of love and it has been misinterpreted throughout history and used to brew hatred. That isn't from God. Even Christ's death in itself ironically was done "in the name of God!" Talk about blasphemy!

The reality of the crucifixion as it truly happened could in no way be accurately portrayed on the big screen because it simplywould be too much. But, Christ endured it. There never was a man alive before Christ, nor has there been one since, who is willing to go through what He did for the very ones who put Him there. The only explanation for His ability to endure until the end is....He was and is truly God. That's my soap box.

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