Thursday, February 19, 2004

I Point the Finger

Bible Gateway : MATT 18:17;

I have a huge problem with Christians who proclaim to know Christ, yet behave in ways that don't show it.

I am not claiming to say that I live a life perfect...far from it, but I attempt everyday to live in Christ by abiding in Him. I fail. I fail every single day and that makes me weary at times and I feel like a failure.

I see people in my store everyday looking for Gospel music. I love that. However, once (and I've blogged about this before) a woman cussed us out because we were stocked out on a particular gospel title and the other day a gospel CD was stolen! I just don't understand.

Also, recently I became quite annoyed by someone who claims to be a believer, but lives a lifestyle totally worldly. For those who are non-believers, this lifestyle is perfectly acceptable. I can have compassion and desire to be an example of Christ before them. I can "love them to the Lord" if you will.

However, if that behavior is being demonstrated by a believer, I can't help it. I get very irritated and feel the ire welling up inside me. I judge. This, I know, is wrong. I just don't understand people not having any conviction about certain things. I wonder "why can't I just do anything I want and not be convicted?"

I have a huge problem with self-control (a fruit of the Spirit still developing in me) and recently said something to this person who just seems to justify behavior totally inappropriate for Christians. I did not say it in love. I said it rather ugly and in a very judgemental way. For this I am ashamed, because I commit the very sin I am condemning another for! I HATE THAT!

Well, in thinking about forgiveness, the article I read made me realize something. That if a Christian is behaving as a heathen, I should treat them as one.

Since I have no problem loving a heathen and not expecting them to live a Christian lifestyle, I should behave the same way toward a Christian who is at the time, living as a heathen. Matthew 18:17 "If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector."

This is such a simple concept and I am going to do all I can to apply this to my life. (It might be that fruit of self-control sprouting! Wooohoooooo!)

When I shared this "revelation" with a friend last night she asked me "and how should you treat a heathen?" and not understanding what she was getting at, she continued..."you must pray for them" and she was totally correct.

I must pray for them.

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