Thursday, September 23, 2004

When My Heart Stops Update

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

Irene, I am at peace about it. So, my heart stops now and then. No fear. I have hope for an eternal future, so if it doesn't start back up...bummer.

Marc, you make me laugh! The reports from the doctor I will get in about two weeks. I almost had a car wreck on the way to work and wonder if that's gonna show up as a giant BLIP on the device! LOL

Rob, yeah, I remember reading about your health issues. I'm glad your symptoms went away.

So, here's the update: I have an appointment in two weeks by which time the results of blood tests and the holter monitor records will be in and evaluated...hopefully...I know how these medical things can go. As I share with people here, I am learning that a lot of other women have suffered the same thing. They say that it happened to them, and it just went away eventually. So, I'm not panicking at all. I figure all will be well.

I do have to say though that it is so easy to take your heartbeat for granted. I never thought about it until it stopped.

Thank you God for each beat of my heart today.

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