Thursday, October 16, 2003

Remembering My Blanket

Blog Ideas: When you don't know what to Blog about. is where I came across an memory about a couch, my "security" blanket, and I Dream of Jeanie.

I used to suck my thumb, really bad. I think my parents were afraid my upper front teeth would stick out past my forehead if they didn't do something quick! When I was seven, they had an orthodontist install...did I say install? I said "install". That's not the right word...I had a "thumb crib" put in my mouth. It was like a tiny fork put in just behind my upper teeth. This "device" would stick my thumb any time it was placed in my mouth. Those nasty tasting fingernail biting polishes never worked, but the thumb crib did. Being stabbed worked!

Well, along with sucking my thumb I always had my trusty blanket with me. I remember that it was solid pink and had a really soft binding around all four edges. I loved that blanket and it went everywhere with me. I was like Linus carry that thing everywhere. Mom and dad tried to break me of that too. I was told that I could not take my blanket out of my bedroom until I Dream of Jeanie came on. I think at that time it came on tv at about 7:30pm. I would about die waiting for I Dream of Jeanie to come on! *humming to self ( Baaaa Da, Daa da da da dat, dah dat..)

I am now about to confess something I have told very few. If my Ma reads this post, she will know how I betrayed her when I was a kid. Here it goes... I would sneak my blankie out in the middle of the day and stuff it under the cushions of the couch. This helped me NOT die while waiting for I Dream of Jeanie to come on!

Whew. I feel so much better now that that is out. What a load off.

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