Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Read the Bible in a Year...AGAIN!

We are doing it again, reading the Word all the way through. This time different translation (New Living) and chronologically. I am really hoping to get aneven better understanding of God's Word and His Plan by reading the events in the order they happened in history.

We read the entry for January 7th yesterday and obviously most all of what we have read so far is Genesis. It's curious to me that Adam and Noah lived to be 900+ years old, but when we read about Abraham and Sarah she laughed when God said she was going to have a son at the ripe age of 90. If you are living to be 900 years old, 90 doesn't seem too old in relation to that. Sarah, however, lived only to be 127 and Abraham 175 years. What happened that people started living for just short the span of a millenium and at this point in Genesis people are living between 100-200 years? Curious. I guess that sin crept in and along came the disintegration of the physical body?

How about that Sodom and Gomorrah thing? I thought Abraham was pretty pompous to go to the Lord and bargain him down to saving the cities for the sake of ten. Then again, the Lord never said anything about saving it for the sake of any until Abraham stepped in on behalf of the city. Abraham, like we, had a hard time understanding the mind of God. He asked God "Surely you wouldn't do such a thing, destroying the innocent with the guilty....Surely you wouldn't do that! Should not the Judge of all the earth do what is right?" WHOA! Who was Abraham to be questioning the Almighty like that?!? I am struck by the patience of God with man right there. I'm also thankful that God is so patient with me. There have been those times where I have asked the same thing " you really know what you are doing?"

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if God said "I am about to destroy America, but I will spare it for the sake of 50 righteous men." Would He find 50 righteous?

Then there is that whole thing with Abraham going to sacrifice his own son. Abraham was obedient in that test and I sure hope I am never "tested" like that! God did provide the sacrifice just as Abraham told Isaac He would. I wonder what Isaac was thinking when he was tied on the altar over the wood about to be sacrificed. Did he think "ummmmmm, this is NOT what I thought my dad meant! Hello? Dad...joke's over, this isn't very funny. AAAAUGGHHH!!!!!! THAT KNIFE SURE LOOKS SHARP!" Or was Isaac all about offering himself? Just like Jesus?

I just love reading His Word. There is so much there. So much I don't understand and want to learn. I can't get enough! Woooooohooooooooooo!!!!!!

Love to ponder....

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