Monday, January 27, 2003

My Impact List

I have an "impact list". This is a list of a few people I know that are non-believers. One of these people is someone I see almost daily. I am not sure I know exactly where she is at spiritually, except that she is lost. She's a good person who seems easily swayed by any doctrine that "feels right". She doesn't consider herself "religious", but I do see her as somewhat "spiritual" although in a "new age" sort of way. She doesn't practice any sort of religion that I know of, she simply lives life. She knows my beliefs and she appreciates that I don't "preach" at her. She is very turned off by "street evangelism" as I'd call it...something really confrontational. She laughs off the gospel tracks that people occasionally leave in the store. I pray for her salvation.

I invite her to church every now and then and never really push the subject with her because it would turn her off completely. She is a person who likes to do good for other people. She donates money to charities and stuff, and is always talking about wanting to "make a difference in the world." At Christmas, our church took food to the needy and brought the people back to the church for a celebration...a party. I saw it as an opportunity to invite this person to come with me and I didn't even have to invite! As soon as I mentioned what it was we were going to be doing, she jumped at the chance to help! She came along, donated food, and sat next to me at the celebration which involved Chuch sharing the Christmas story and presenting the gospel! I was glowing inside and had to work to keep from exploding that she was hearing the gospel. After that, nothing much came of anything.

Today, I saw God work in awesome ways for my friend Katie who will most likely blog about that in the next couple of days, so I won't steal the thunder right now. It was awesome though and I shared it with this person on my impact list. She said "wow, that's some good karma!" and I chuckled and replied "no, not karma, God." and she then said "Oh yeah, you believe in God. It's easier for me to believe in karma."

Easier to believe in karma? What the heck does that mean? I didn't get a chance to ask her...but I will have to someday soon. She's moving in a few weeks! Easier to believe in karma?

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