Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I'm Sorry To Have Offended

Duly "reprimanded" by Mean Dean from blogs4God:

"Please, next time, use the the handy-dandy feedback form instead of posting a vent/complaint here."

I didn't mean to vent or complain, but I guess it did sound negative toward blogs4God, for that I'm sorry. I was simply sharing that I was having difficulty navigating the site and attributed that to some "bugs". I also mentioned I don't use aggregators and was just questioning if it would be useful to me. I've since sent feedback, but wonder if it'll reach someone because I received another error doing that.

I love blogging and want to see a very successful blogs4God. It has great potential to be bigger and better than before and anything that helps to spread knowledge of God and the love of Christ is something I will always support.

I apologize for stepping on the toes of those who are working hard to make blogs4God THE "semi-definitive list of Christians who blog."

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