Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Watermelon Mishap

I love watermelon. Katie picked good one too! Yum! Sweet and juicy, a great summer treat.

We use a tub for the watermelon that once was filled with ice cream. It's a plastic bucket of sorts that works very well for watermelon because you can cut the watermelon into bite size pieces, keep it in the bucket that has a lid on it, and it can stay cool and fresh in the refrigerator.

Because of the handy handle on the bucket of watermelon, I just take the whole thing with me. Today, I had it resting on the the desktop while I surfed. I reached for the fork for another bite, and it was obviously a little too close to the edge. The entire bucket of watermelon flipped over and landed in my lap!

It was COLD! I was startled for a moment, not sure what to do. I wanted to try to avoid having to mop the floor, so I thought about wheeling in my new chair over to the door, but it was too late. Watermelon rapids were forming over the edges of my new computer desk chair already making puddles on the floor.

I stood up to go get the cleaning supplies. I looked down and my new shirt was drenched in pink water and my jeans shorts were soaked! I started laughing because a few seeds, (from the seedless watermelon?), were stuck to my leg! It had to be quite a sight! I'm glad the kids didn't react to my initial scream of surprise, intense cold, and inane stupidity and come running out of their rooms to see what was the matter! LOL

I'm feeling pretty sticky so I think I'm going to grab a quick shower and get my clothes in the washer soon.

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