Tuesday, December 30, 2003

I Am a Sinner and a Saint

Katie makes me out to be much more than I am. I am so faulted it's pathetic. Here's a self-assessment of some of my faults, I...

- am very impatient. VERY!

- can be way too critical of others

- am stubborn (my staff informed me of this today as a matter of fact! LOL)

- hate putting my laundry away and have a problem with piling my clothes on my dresser.

- don't pray enough

- eat out too often

- am addicted to the internet and Battlefield 1942 online.

- can be easily irritated at the constant chaos of children in the house.

- spill Coke on keyboards

- am often too quick to anger when simple things do not work right, or I can't find something (like a remote control).

- hate going to the doctor (I have to be in immense pain or feel death coming on)

- worry too much about finances

- panic if I am invited to someone's house for dinner (because of my eating disorder...which is simply the fact that I am a very picky eater and that's a whole other post.)

- am terrible about sending out greeting cards on appropriate holidays/birthdays.

- have a very low tolerance for stupidity (which is so not Christlike!)

- form opinions about people according to the condition of their teeth.

- have rebellious tendencies

- PRIDE - I have a MAJOR pride problem!

There's a lot more wrong with me, but it is nice that Katie is able to "forgive" all the faults and manage to see a bit of Christ in me. That right there is yet another miracle God performs in me daily!

I am a sinner. I am a saint only through Christ.

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