Sunday, November 16, 2003

SaLT with WaLT

I haven't been able to make it to church lately because of work and other commitments. I hate when I can't get to church!

I make it to SaLT group once in a great while and tonight was one of the great whiles! (A great white while? Nah...don't think so!) I arrived about 20 minutes late, which isn't a big deal because the first 45 minutes or so is simply for sharing a meal and talking together to help establish good relationships within the body of Christ.

I let myself into the house and made my way through the den. I don't think anyone heard me enter through the garage, but as I headed toward the kitchen, Harry heard someone behind him and got up to see who. The moment he saw me his face lit up and his arms opened wide anticipating a hug. Then David shot up from his seat and grabbed me to give me a great big bear hug! All the men sitting at the kitchen table greeted me with an impromtu unison "Suuuuueeeeeee!". What a warm welcome!

I then went into the dining room where the women were and recieved a simple hello. I told them that I may just have to go back into the kitchen since the men gave me a much bigger welcome! LOL The women then challenged the men with their BIG booming "Suuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we are glad to see you!" cheer! LOLOL

After chatting for awhile we began our study and discussion on the Purpose Driven Life. We talked about chapters 8 and 9 which focused on worship and on how God smiles at us. We had some interesting and enlightening discussion, but I sat there in tears realizing that God smiles at me. I imagined God reacting to me entering the room just as Harry and David did. Just as all of SaLT with WaLT does anytime a brother or sister comes near. He is truly pleased to see me.

I thought to myself "It's easy for Harry and David to welcome me with a big bear hug and smiling face because they don't "know" the "real" me." Sometimes it's easier to love someone when you don't see their "warts" and all, you know? But God knows ALL and can't wait to welcome me into His fact, I'm already there! He rejoiced the day I stepped into that territory and He smiled.

God smiles when I enter the room and he does know the "real" me. He loves me just the same and is just that excited to welcome me into His home. It was humbling to sit in my chair during our study time today and ponder that. I was welcomed into SaLT with WaLT today by God himself, loving me through His people. I may not feel God's hugs physically, but I felt Harry's, and I felt David's and I heard the sincerity in the "Suuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeee!" when my brothers and sisters were happy to see me come worship with them tonight. Best part is, I was just as excited to worship God with all of them! I think God smiled! :-)

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