Sunday, November 02, 2003

Does a Blog Represent the Blogger?

**OOPS! I forgot to log in as ME, as in SUE. This post is from Sue!**

What I blog about is true in my life. But, it isn't all that there is. There is much more going on in my life than what I blog about.

I don't blog about some things because it would affect others. (Or effect....DRAT! I just can't get that rule of grammer!) I don't blog about some things because it wouldn't edify. I don't blog some things because it really isn't any body else's business. I don't blog some things because they wouldn't glorify God. I don't blog some things because it's too personal.

I would say this blog represents a part of what, or who I am, but it can in no way represent all of me.

What about your blog? Does it represent you?

Ignore the Katie was my post (Sue). Oops!

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