Saturday, December 25, 2004

Miss Virginia and Christmas Blessings


My compliments to the cook, Katie who prepared a fantastic Christmas dinner of ham and all the works! Mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmm!

When we invited Miss Virginia for dinner, as I shared in the last post, she baked a pecan pie. When she brought it over, it was still hot. What we didn't know at the time is that although it was hot, it hadn't finished baking! LOL Katie finished baking it today and she feared that Miss Virginia would notice that the pie was a bit darker. Miss Virginia came over and saw it and said "I hope it's not too done. My son called while I was baking it and I lost track and I am so worried that it is burned." Katie just said that she put it in the over to warm it and left it a tad longer than she had intended, but that it was not burned. It was a delicious pecan pie and we were blessed that Miss Virginia so appreciated being invited to Christmas dinner that she baked it for the framily.

Miss Virginia arrived for dinner at the 2 o'clock scheduled time. Katie wasn't quite ready to put dinner on the table so Tif and I were left to welcome our guest and commence the conversation. This idea terrified me because I am an introvert and do not do well in situations where I need to chat with people I barely know. I quickly learned that with Miss Virginia I had nothing to fear because when it comes to conversation she has a corner on the market!

We were told many stories, some of them twice. She shared all she knew about the neighbor's vocations and stressed the importance of a good education. She is a retired teacher and had some things to share about that as well. Many of the stories were fun, but the topper was when she shared about her experience as a new mother some fifty odd years ago. She said "I just didn't know what to do with all that poo poo" LOLOLOL "You laugh because you think it's a joke, but we didn't have all this disposable diaper stuff that there is now. We used cloth diapers that we had to hand wash. I didn't know what to do with all that poo poo! Giant piles of poo poo! I didn't have a mother or a father and I had no one to learn from. I remember the nurse giving me a list of things to expect with a newborn and that I read on there to expect 25 poo poos a day" LOLOLOLOL Tif and I busted out laughing so hard! I could barely breathe!

Oh boy that was funny!

Miss Virginia was so excited to have been invited and after dinner she made sure to take some pictures. She loved the tree and kept complimenting Katie on how she decorated the house for Christmas "it the prettiest one on the circle" she'd exclaim. She took some pictures of the framily and we made sure to get her in some of them as well. I'm so glad she accepted the invitation and joined us for Christmas dinner.

It was a great way to celebrate Jesus today, by inviting a lonely person to share a meal with us. On Christmas we celebrate the birth of the Christ, the Savior of the world, whom God sent to us to reconcile man to himself. Through Jesus we are invited to join Him in His Kingdom. Like Miss Virginia had a choice to accept our invitation or not, God too gives us all a choice to join Him. I'm so thankful that I accepted His invitation and all the blessings that come with it.

It has been a merry Christmas with the framily, and I hope that you too, found a way to celebrate Christ's birth in a special way today.

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