Thursday, December 09, 2004

Creative Juices Flowing

Blog Explosion has inspired yet something else for me to do, as if I am not busy enough!

Now I've been making banners to help promote the Sisters' Weblog at BE. The first banner I did was quick and simple. It was just something simple so that I could get a banner in the rotation quickly. Boy, that was redundant! I just paraphrased my own sentence and said the same thing twice!

Anyway, here are the three banners I've made, the first two are in the BE rotation, the last is awaiting approval. The presentation of the banners at BE are on white backgrounds, so if you want to see them with a white background, just click on them.

So, now I'm curious what the average click through on banners is? Right now my first banner has a click thru of 8.90% and has been shown almost 3800 times. My second banner has been shown just 438 times with a click thru of 5.84%. I figure that the second banner won't draw as many because I know that some folks avoid "God blogs" and that banner uses the very "offensive" word *gasp* "Christ".

So, what kind of click through percentages are you seeing for your banners?

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