Saturday, November 30, 2002

Old Spice

Author: Katie

I love the smell of Old Spice aftershave. It takes me back to when I was little and I'd sit on my Dad's lap. I would snuggle up to him in his recliner and I would smell that scent that I call the "Daddy" scent. I was (and even today at 34, I am still) Daddy's little girl. I buy him Old Spice every year for Christmas. When I buy it, I like to take a good sniff before wrapping it up. Since Dad is so far away, it brings him close. For a brief moment I can close my eyes and I'm Daddy's little girl in the recliner curled up on Daddy's lap once again. Those were the days when Daddy was Daddy and he was my hero. Oh how a fragrance can take a precious memory from the past and bring it to life in the present.... even for a moment. I should do a commercial for Old Spice! LOL.

How about you? Is there a certain scent that takes you back in time? What do you think of? Why not take a trip back in time just for a moment right now. Think of that scent and spend a few minutes reminiscing! (I do recommend you think of a pleasant fragrance, it works better that way.) I will blog more later. I can't wait to tell you about the most awesome Thanksgiving!!!!

Sue, I AM THE MOST BLESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In this time of Thanksgiving, I thank God for the sense of smell (among many other things).

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