Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Ganns of Superblessed.com announced award winners today in his post The one with the Superblessed Christian Blog Awards 2005 winners.

The Sisters' Weblog was named The Blog On! Most Superblessed Christian Blog of 2005. The most exciting thing about this for us is what Ganns had to say:
Sisters' Weblog is more than a blog: it is a moving, living, breathing testament to God's glory, and for that I am superblessed, honored, and privileged to have known the authors behind this glorious online testimony to Jesus' power.
To know that this blog is an online testimony of Jesus' power is the best compliment! To God be the glory!

The other really cool thing is that this reward was renamed in 2005 to include the encouraging signature phrase "Blog On!" coined by Benediction. The Sisters' Weblog is in no way in the same category as many of the fine blogs Ganns' has recognized in his annual award ceremony, but to receive this honor, along with the kind words and with it the distinguished "Blog On!" title is humbling to say the least!

Go visit the sites of the other award winners listed here, and check out all of the outstanding blogs of the numerous nominees listed here.

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