Monday, February 24, 2003

Encounter the Non-Believing World

Author: Katie

This is something that I came upon by clicking a link. It makes my heart hurt so bad because it does contain some truth.


Spent a morning a few days back reading the last three chapters of the New Testament and came to the conclusion that anyone believing in such voodoo must be illiterate and whoever wrote it must have been quite unexceptional... you'd think Jews- who have such a great literary tradition- could've mustered something with a bit more flair. I'm quite glad secular consumerism has displaced the theological meaning once attached to seasons such as Christmas and further pleased that more people have read the Ikea catalogue than the Bible.

I see so many writings such as this and such warped thinking! This person doesn't claim to be a saved person (as far as I know) but, some people say they are saved by grace and then write such horrible stuff about the Bible and God....where's the grace? It's so obvious in their teachings that they don't have the discernment of the Holy Spirit when they read the Bible. They warp the meaning of scriptures and turn them into horrible ugly things and say that God says that we are supposed to be this way! Even Satan can quote the scriptures. I have read blogs from Christian people who portray God to be like Saddam Hussein! I feel sorry for those who are searching for hope and fall prey to these evil teachings that are straight from Hell.

Sometimes I wish God would grant me a gift to change the world. The Bible says that with God all things are possible. However, I need to be realistic. I know I can't change the world but I can help by reaching out to one person at a time.

Father, I pray for those who are searching to fill that void created only for you. I pray for those who are deceived and practice deception using the Bible. Lord, protect them from the evil misinterpretations of your Holy Word. I pray for your wisdom and discernment in my life when I read and speak of the Truths in Your book. Help me to make a difference for You. In the name of the most holy, precious One who died so that I might live, Amen.

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