Saturday, December 21, 2002

I Am a Good Employee

I am a good employee. I am not trying to brag, well...maybe a little. (Pray about my pride problem). Anyway, I am a good employee because I work very hard. I am self-motivated and want everything to be done perfect. I work well with others, and for others. I enjoy my work. I am always trying to find better ways to do things. I take pride in what I do.

Problem: It can never be perfect like I want it to be. Not everyone has a work ethic like me, so it drives me crazy that it can never get done as fast or as efficiently as I could do it. Nobody manages time as well as I do, no one prioritizes as efficiently either. I have learned this truth in my years as a supervisor so I have mellowed a bit, but it can still be frustrating. It's also frustrating that you can't fire people just because they aren't up to par, that you must document any and every little thing in order to get rid of them. I hate that...heck, after a few weeks on the job it is apparent that they aren't the right person for the job...what's the 90 day probation period for if you can't just say "Hey, I'm sorry, I just don't think it is working out. You are a nice person, I wish you well, but this job just isn't for you."

I also hate micro-management. This Christmas season has me wondering who is in charge? If I was hired to manage a store, why am I not allowed to run it? Corporate expects miracles this season because they increase the workload, then cut the hours. It's tough. I've really struggled as of late. I have actually left work with work still left to be done! I hate that! My desk is in disarray! I hate that! I keep looking forward to the re-organization period after the holidays, but with hours being cut so drastically, I don't see how I will ever be able to get my store into shape. I want it clean! I want it organized! I want it run efficiently, always providing top notch customer service! I want my hard work to show for something!

I am a good employee. I feel very used right now. I have given my all to my job, well, not all because God does come first and some other things rank before the job, but let's just say that when I am at work, I work like I'm working for the Lord! I don't expect the CEO to call me and say "hey, you are doing a great job! Here's a raise and a bonus to boot!", but I do want corporate to realize that they may possibly be demanding a bit too much from the field right now.

That's my rant for today. I love what I do for a living. I really do. I am energetic at work and love this time of year...all the's like a high. But, it's also very draining. I am tired.

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