Saturday, October 23, 2004


This morning as I was going to work, I asked God to help me to focus less on my flesh and more on Him. I asked Him to give me opportunities to shine for him. I prayed this as I was on my way to the hospital to assist in marketing through a membership drive for the Y.

A woman was sitting across from me who needed some encouragement and the Spirit in me just poured forth as He did the night I had to speak at the domestic violence awareness vigil. I didn't know that she needed to hear what I was saying...I just shared like I do...I love to share about the wonderful things God does in my life.

I'm so tired right now that I can't recall much of the conversation. It's funny how when the Spirit moves and uses me, lots of times I can't even remember what I said...only the impact that it made. But, I do remember talking to her about divine appointment. I think I had been sharing a bit of my testimony with her. She told me that she believed that our meeting was divine because she has needed to hear what I said to her this morning. I told her that indeed it was because I had prayed for Him to shine through me today...and He did. We were both bathed in blessing this morning.

I want my light to shine so that others can see Him better.

Thank you my precious beloved Redeemer.

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