Friday, October 15, 2004

I Can Do All Things through Christ!

Okay Sue, I'm blogging!

Sue is right! God is opening doors and I think last night may very well have kicked off a major turning point in my life.

It was about 5:00 p.m. when I left home to attend the annual WRAP (Wo/Men's Resource and Rape Assistance Program)candelight vigil in downtown Jackson. Last year at the vigil, it was publically proclaimed that October will be destined as Domestic Violence Awareness month in Madison County. This year, I attended as an observer only but God had other plans in store that I was most assuredly unaware of.

Before I get into details I want to explain that I began volunteering with WRAP about a year ago when I discovered the group called "Survivors" which is a support group (part of WRAP) of victims who have escaped the bondage of abuse and are continually determined to survive. I have been so blessed by being involved with this group even though at times it can be very painful to hear and see the struggles these women go through.

While I stood there deeply touched and feeling overwhelmed with love in my heart for these ladies, I was approached by one of the organizers of the group and told that one of the speakers cancelled. Then the unexpected happened. She asked me if I would speak in her place. I said when? She said in a few minutes as soon as "Jane" gets finished speaking. I said, "Ummmmmmmmm oooookkaaayyy but I HAVE NO SPEECH PREPARED! WHAT WILL I SAY??????" Then she so truthfully said, "I have never known you to be at a loss for words and I don't think you will be now." So I said that I needed a moment to pray and looked for a Bible. God led me to share my most favorite chapter in His word, Isaiah 61.

When the time came, I just told the supporters that I just found out 5 minutes ago that I was going to speak and asked that they don't hold it against me if it doesn't go so well! LOL. They chuckled and I began telling them my favorite chapter in God's Word. At this point I encourage you to stop and read Isaiah 61: 1-4.

I believe it was at this point that God began to use me as His vessel and gave me His words to say to those who so desperately needed to hear them. The end of Isaiah 61:4 reads, "...they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations." At the moment the word generations left my lips I knew where I needed to go next and began sharing how domestic violence isn't just something that appears out of nowhere. In most, if not all cases, it is something that is passed down generation after generation until somebody finally says, "Enough! It stops here, with me!"

There is no way that I can possibly share everything in this blog. It would go on for days so maybe over the next few days I'll share a little more information here, that I shared with the supporters at the vigil last night. I can't believe how comfortable I felt standing before those people. It seemed as natural as talking to a friend at home. I had a peace that surpassed anything I can imagine or explain. I felt like I was right where God put me and I was happy to be there!

When I finished, I felt compelled to go and hug everyone in the group. But, before I could approach them, I found myself surrounded! They came to ME! They were blessed by what I said and began saying such wonderful things to me. During this time, one of the speakers, Dr. Theresa Blakely of Union University came to me and hugged me so hard and long. She said so many encouraging words then looked at me in the eye as she said, "I want you in my class!" Next, the professor over the social work department at Union University approached me and said, "It has been too long since I saw you last. I want you to come talk to me and get enrolled at Union." I told her that I couldn't go back to school right now because I have to work to pay for my kids to attend private school. She said, "We are working on an easier program and I really want to see if we can work something out." If that wasn't enough, the next person who I talked to was the juvenile judge for Madison County who also spoke at the Republican Women's luncheon the day before. She hugged and encouraged me also and then asked me if I WOULD SPEAK AT THE NEXT REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S LUNCHEON!!!! MEE! I'M NOBODY AND SHE WANTS MEEEEEEE TO SPEAK???? I told her I would LOVE that. I then told her that I'm on a mission and someday I hoped to get into some position of office where I can work to change policy in order to help improve the situation for victims trying to get free from DV. She told me that there were two republican positions open for county commissioner and that I should run. I was dumbfounded. Then, I said, "I have no experience, no degree." She basically told me that those things weren't necessary and that she thought I would be good for it. Then we arranged it so that I could call her and talk some more. Then I told her that I didn't live in her county and she said, "That's okay, maybe you can do the same in your county."

So, I am going to call her tonight. I don't know everything I said last night, but, as I occasionally flash back, I remember bits and peices and I am surprised. I truly know that it was the God of the universe speaking through me! He used MY VOICE to speak to others! I am truuullly humbled and in awe! I am amazed! I am blown away at how HE CONTINUALLY ANSWERS PRAYER! I felt like David!

Some other people came up to me and told me that they were told that I had inspired others to become volunteers with WRAP. This was one of my goals. I just can't put into words the victory that I am feeling right now!

Later that night I went out with some of the girls for dinner. At one point everybody was clapping. I began clapping and looked to the girl that I had been talking to (she was the other one who spoke before me from the group) and said, "Why are we clapping?" She just shrugged and said, " I don't know." Then somebody laughed and said.."WE'RE CLAPPING FOR YOU TWO AND WHAT YOU SAID TONIGHT!" LOL. That was pretty funny. Dinner was so much fun.

My job and life have prevented me from attending the weekly meetings at WRAP like I used to. I have missed it and missed the girls so much. They are sisters to me. I've watched so many of them come out of their coccoons to spread their beautiful butterfly wings...just like me! It does something to me that I cannot put into words!

I know my passion. God gave it to me. He confirmed it last night! AMEN!

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