Thursday, March 24, 2005

Snake Bite

After I picked up the kids at school the other day, Katie's 15 year old boy was very excited to share about science class. He went on to describe in gruesome detail how the snake, that the teacher has in the classroom, devoured a mouse.

"The snake squeeeeeeeeeeeezed it and crushed it until it was stretched to like two times it's normal length."

Me "ewwwwwww".

"yeah, but I think the venom probably made that painless for the mouse".

Me "ick".

"It only took like 3 seconds for the mouse to die!"

Now, Katie's boy has a big heart for animals, so I was surprised that he was so excited to share about the death of the poor, defenseless mouse. I asked "but what about the mouse?" and he said "well, I'd rather die in 3 seconds than in 4!"

Kids never cease to amaze me with their insight.

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