Monday, April 07, 2003

Liberation NOT Oil

Author: Katie

I am so sick of the war protesters all around the world making the US and UK out to be vicious, power-hungry, and greedy for oil. I'm sick of hearing reports from ignorant columnists saying that this is all about oil. That is such a lame argument in a desperate search to support their cause. Our soldiers are sacrificing their lives for the freedom of a people who are helpless against an evil, sick dictator. The reports from biased reporters keep making the coalition forces out to be monstrous killers by talking about and showing pictures of the horror inflicted on the innocent. I have a problem with this because they are not getting or telling the whole story. The enemy is not the UK, the USA or any of the coalition forces. This war is not against Iraq or it's people. I want to see these anti-war reporters place the blame where it belongs, on the real enemy........Saddam Hussein! I don't hear of the protesting people talking about Saddam's torture chambers or the skeletons found in a make-shift morgue.......Executed. I don't see these reporters writing about the average Iraqi citizen who risks being killed by the regime for welcoming the coalition soldiers as they come in. No mention of the Iraqi people who are risking their lives to aid the coalition. Where are their interviews with the victims of Saddam's evil torture? Where are the stories about Saddam using civilians as human shields and murdering thousands of his own troops and civilians because they tried to flee??????? If you want to speak truth, tell the world who the REAL enemy is! Get the whole story.

The coward hides his forces amongst civilians because he knows that WE VALUE HUMAN LIFE and we DON'T WANT TO KILL THE INNOCENT! Where are the stories about the Iraqi people who suffer loss from the war and tell the coalition forces that they are not angry and that they know this is the price for freedom???????? They ask us to come and destroy Saddam and his regime so that they can be free from their lives of constant fear and torture! Sure there are pictures of the horrors of war. Yes, many are suffering terribly. But, the blame is not on those who seek liberation (NOT OIL) for the Iraqi people. The blame is on the modern day Hitler called Saddam Hussein! I think that if these reporters were more thorough, they would discover that the people they see in such torment were probably, for the most part, afflicted by Saddam's evil regime.

The USA is not interested in power, control, or oil in this war. If we do anything to protect the oil fields, it is only for the sake of the nation to which they belong. The oil fields must be preserved for the livelihood of a post-war Iraq. Our soldiers are sacrificing their lives for the benefit of others, not for personal gain. They are selfless and we are selfish to not desire to be involved in aiding the helpless.

By making the coalition as the enemy, protestors make the real enemy (Saddam) out to be the victim. They spend so much time trying to make the liberators out to be slaughtering villains. This makes the sacrifice and suffering that the coalition soldiers and families experience, meaningless. Biased reporters don't spend much time focusing on the stories of hero's willing to submit to witnessing and participating in the horrors of war.....all for the freedom of others and the safety of the very people who persecute them in the media. No, they make these soldiers out to be murderers participating in a horrible massacre. It's ironic that the majority of those who are suffering (both in battle and at the hands of negative publicity) are more in support of the war than those who are protesting it.

The war is. Period. We can't just decide we don't want to do it anymore and pack up and go home. Our governments and troops in the coalition need cooperation and support and they deserve it. They are the ones on the front lines. The war is difficult enough in itself. There is enough battling and chaos in Iraq. Our soldiers need support, not more chaos and battles on the home front. It's time to put down the picket signs and lift up our hearts in prayer and support for those brave hero's who defend freedom, not just for Iraq, but for all those who are at risk from the threat of an evil ruler and his reign of terror. The enemy is Saddam Hussein. The enemy is terrorism. It's about time somebody decided that talking wasn't going to solve the problem. Twelve years of diplomacy only resulted in giving the enemy more time to reign. I am thankful that somebody had the backbone to take a stand against it. So, for all who think it's about oil and power, I encourage you to look deeper. Look at the articles, the suffering, and see the real need.......liberation........freedom. It is the right of every man (with the exception of those who try to take it away or prevent others from having it).

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