Monday, August 29, 2005

Jury Duty - Some Humor

Well, the bad news is I went in thinking that today was my last obligatory day to serve on the jury, but one more day was added. Ugh. It is such an inconvenience to rearrange life for one week a month for six months, and then rarely actually serve. I've gone in a total of four times now. Twice I was randomly called to be on the jury, but later excused for whatever reason. One time the jury was set and I was not needed. Today all the defendants pleaded guilty or didn't show and I was sent home, with one more day to possibly serve on Wednesday.

The Honorable Judge Clayton Peeples was pretty funny today. One defendant did not appear for his court date and the attorney representing him explained that letters had been sent to him, his phone number was not good and that he "lives in a verrrry baaaad neighborhood in Jackson so I did not send my investigator out." The judge said "well, his neighborhood will be worse tomorrow." The entire court room busted out in laughter! LOL

I liked that too! LOL

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