Monday, November 08, 2004

Welfare Reform

For 3 years I struggled through college to obtain an associate's degree. Due to a failing local public school system, I chose to put off my education in order to go to work and enroll my children in a private Christian school.

Up until this point, I recieved aid from the government with food and medical. I also recieved a grant to help me through college. It was very hard because I had no job during this time so we did without alot. But, it was worth it to make the sacrifice...or was it?

In May I graduated the local community college with honors. It was such a day of celebration. Soon after that I applied for a job in banking...of which I didn't qualify for (even though I had held the very same job in my past without a degree or any experience). In June I managed to land a job that barely pays above minimum wage.

In August I lost my food assistance due to all the great cash flow coming in (I say that in sarcasm). Although I work full time hours, I am only considered part-time and do not qualify for medical benefits. If I did however, the benefits would require me to get another job just to pay for them. Today, I was told that I earn too much to qualify for state funded medical benefits. As a result, for the first time in 12 years, I am uninsured. It is the most miserable feeling.

So, now that I have my degree, I am actually worse off than I was going to college and living off of the government.

I go to WRAP meetings offering hope to victims of domestic violence...telling them that they can make it without their abuser. Really??? Not in a system set up like this. Sure they can work two jobs and leave their kids with somebody else to raise. Sure they can come home in the evenings and try to make time for their children after a long days work...and after the dinner is cooked, the dishes are done, the laundry is done, homework is done, baths are done, and it is bedtime. Soccer? Sports? These are not things that there is time for. Fortunately, God has blessed me with a friend who helps so my children get these opportunities. But, what about those who have nobody?

There has to be a better way. There has to be a way the system can work by offering incentives instead of co-dependency. There has to be a way to teach and help people to get on their feet and actually take two steps forward without being knocked 10 yards back. Welfare is not the answer to is only a vicious trap to keep one there.

I know this...I have lived it. And even though I have no medical benefits....even though I have no finiancial aid...somehow...I will make it. I have God and He will get me through this. And I WILL learn how to help others do the same.

There has to be a way to make it possible for those who want to do what it takes to be self-sufficient (without sacrificing the children in the process). God knows the way...I pray He will show me. It has to change and with God's will change. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I covet the prayers of the saints...brothers and sisters in Christ...remember me.

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