Monday, September 13, 2004

These Days

Things are going very well for me these days. A lot going on to keep me busy and its just nice to have things going fairly smoothly.

Katie was all excited to have the latest edition of VIP Jackson Magazine hit the streets. VIP Magazine is a magazine that highlights the happenings in Jackson, TN and is loaded with pictures of the people associated with the different events. She was anxiously awaiting to see if she made the "cut" and would be a "VIP" because of her role as Mrs. Pearce in the Jackson Theater's Guild production of My Fair Lady. So the magazine finally came out and she called to tell me I was a VIP too! LOL Katie was pictured twice, once as Mrs. Pearce and another time as a WRAP ( Women's Resource and Rape Assistance) Volunteer at the Butterfly Release, which is a fundraising event for WRAP.

Katie called to tell me that I was pictured playing my trumpet on stage at the Rockabilly Festival with the Johnny Cash Band. I didn't expect that at all! I didn't notice my picture being taken! I'm happy about it though because I think Mom was a little diappointed that I didn't take initiative to make sure I got some pictures of this event in my trumpet playing career. I'll be sending Ma the magazine and maybe she'll scan the shots of us and I'll post them here. It's fun being a VIP!

I have a business opportunity that I am looking into. I'm stuck as to how to go about things financially though so I'm going to have to contact someone who knows something about loans/grants to start up a small business.

Things at work are going very well. I've hired in some new people and I'm working hard to train, which can be stressful, but tasks have slowed for a bit and that allows me time to focus on training. I should be all set for the holidays and that feels good. We are having so much fun! It helps that I am reminding my people that they are in fact working for a VIP! LOL NOT! Yesterday I even took time to clean and "sterilize" the bathroom/backroom. I used bleach. Bummer that I splattered in on my black pants!

I picked up my music for Pines of Rome the other day. I am performing with the offstage brass on September 25th with the Jackson Symphony Orchestra. I feel so blessed that I am getting these opportunities to play again. I also have another opportunity to play for a local church during a praise and worship service. I have a blast doing that! The Jackson Area Community Band starts up next week, so that is something else I'll be involved in musically.

I joined the management team at church. This is a team that is responsibile for decisions regarding the church, especially finances. I've been asked to participate as a kind of "liason" for the HOOP Fund, between the guy that "runs" that fund, and the management team. The HOOP Fund stands for "Helping Our Own People" and was started up years ago by a member. This fund is revolving and is there to help members financially when it is needed. I figure this is the place where God wants me to use my gifts of discernment and wisdom. I'm excited to see how God will use me on this team!

That is about all the news about my life I can think of at the moment. I'm still catching some time here and there to play Battlefield 1942...I just have so much fun playing that with the guys of OSF! Woohooo!

Well, I'm off to get ready to go take on the day!

Remember "When we walk in His light, the lost will see Him more!"

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