Sunday, September 26, 2004

Question the Teaching of a Pastor

At church today, I was impressed. One of my pastors, during the message on how important it is to read the Bible, asked "do you go home and read your Bible and look to see if what we are teaching you is Truth?"

He challenged us to not take for granted that what he, or any pastor teaches, is right. It is up to us to read, study, learn and know the Word. He explained that "we try to study and interpret it correctly, but that doesn't mean we are always right. You should always question and look to the Word as the final authority."

Katie said to me "I knew you'd like that part". I chuckled, and she added "if they only knew how often you test what they say!" LOL

I like belonging to a church where the pastor challenges the flock to "test" his teaching...and encourages us to study and know the Word. I like having pastors who do not claim to know it all. I like the accountability that goes along with that...and the humility. I even enjoy the responsibility that is given to each Christian in the congregation to study and know the Word.

Below is a very cute file of a special little girl in our church who is around two years old. She has already made learning the Bible a priority in her life.

Click HERE to hear her recite the books of the New Testament. You just have to see this! I can't even do that!

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