Monday, June 06, 2005

We Were Visitors

Katie and I visited a new church in Jackson yesterday. We visited Promise Church. We decided to visit some other churches in the area because right now our church, Northbrook, started a series on marriage called "When a Man Loves a Woman". I think it is good that the church is recognizing that marriage in America is in crisis and it attempting to educate it's flock about God's intention for marriage.

The marriage series at Northbrook is scheduled to go a total of thirteen weeks. 13 weeks! The entire summer! Katie is wanting so bad to be married again someday, and last weeks message was a reminder that she isn't and it was difficult for her to listen to it. She has read many books on a Biblical marriage, attended so much marriage counseling when still married, and has read God's word on the subject as well. It is hard for her to sit through an entire summer listening to messages on marriage, which really aren't relative to her life at the moment.

Messages on marriage really aren't relevant to my life either. I am single and I have always been single. I can't see myself ever being married, not that I'm ruling out the possibility, but it is not something I really dwell on or feel that I need to sit through thirteen weeks on messages on.

Northbrook does recognize that much of it's congregation is single, divorced, or widowed, and has some messages on being single and/or being single again. I spoke up to another member about the fact that this series doesn't really interest me (and no, I don't decide to church hop when the message doesn't appeal to me, but I feel thirteen weeks is a LOT of talk on a subject that is not pertinent to my life and may never be.) and was told, "well, it can help you in any relationship" and I'm sure much of what will be discussed, could be applied to any relationship. I said "yeah, then why is the series called "When a MAN loves a WOMAN?", and not "Biblical Relationships"?. Here are some of the titles of the different messages: "A Christian View of Sex, Marriage and Living Together", "The Bedroom: Battleground or Playground?", "Learning to Serve: Meeting Your Wife's Deepest Needs", "Learning to Serve: Meeting Your Husband's Deepest Needs", "Keeping Christ at the Center of Your Marriage." All but maybe the first one listed simply doesn't have relevance to a single. I don't think I would take such issue with this for a month, a few weeks, but THIRTEEN WEEKS?

I love the fact that the church is going to tackle some difficult subjects in this series, like pornography in the marriage and in the single life, but so much of it I just don't feel will apply to my life, and Katie isn't really interested in hearing much of the same stuff she has already studied either.

So, we thought this could be an opportunity to see what some other churches are doing. I found Promise Church through the Willowcreek website. Northbrook is a member of Willowcreek so I thought to find another church to visit within that association.

We went to SaLT with WaLT as usual because I love that group and can't stand missing it if I don't have to. It just so happened that yesterday, because of the time of service at Promise Church and SaLT with WaLT meeting time, we could do both.

When Katie and I arrived at the Promise Church, I immediately recognized it as the same building where one of our friend's works in the realty business. On Saturday night, the church members gather to set up for Sunday service, then after the service, they tear down and put it back together as a realty office. Interesting.

We arrived about 5 minutes late and pulled into the drive. Then we pulled back out, not sure if we really wanted to do this. Then I said "If we can go to the VFW for a concert, we can go in a realtor's office for church!" So, I pulled back around into the drive, parked and got out.

We heard the worship music being played and as we approached the door. We entered and found a seat, in the front, because that was the only place I saw available immediately. We joined in singing praise songs and I was looking around to get a "feel" of the place. I noticed a few people with hands raised and eyes closed lost in worship and I liked that there was a freedom present there to worship. I do have to say as well, that I didn't see a lot of smiling faces though. I just think that when one is in the presence of the Lord, that while there is awe, there will be happiness as well.

The songs were familiar contemporary songs so it was easy to join in a sing. After the music ended, there was prayer and it was a very passionate prayer given by the minister. After that it was time for coffee and donuts. I found that to be quite interesting, that the fellowship with the other people in attendance happened mid-service, in-between praise music and the message. During this time people are encouraged to grab coffee and chat with some new people. Since Katie and I are new, I was expecting people to come to us and introduce themselves, but I was rather disappointed that only one person did. We went up to a couple and introduced ourselves, but that was only because Katie knew the man from a previous job. There were only maybe 50-60 people in attendance, so I really expected people to notice that we were new faces and take interest, but that simply didn't happen.

The message delivered by the minister was good and it was about leaving the past behind and moving on to the things God has planned for you. I enjoyed it and took some notes, especially on the "pop quizzes" of life, things like people cutting you off on the road, long lines at the grocery, cable going out and then "mid-terms"; a change in income, relocation, etc. The "finals" are the scary ones; divorce, loss of a loved one, natural disaster, etc. The minister talked about how will one ever make it through a "final" if you are tripped up by a "pop quiz"? Good message that made me think about how I react to the "small things" in life.

After the service we left and headed back to Northbrook to pick up the kids. I'll miss next week because I'll be working, but sometime in the future I'm hoping to check out the Vineyard Church in Milan.

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