Sunday, September 14, 2003


I made it to Columbus and I am currently upstairs at my sister's house. This is so fun! I got to see my cute little niece! She is only a little over a month old. She isn't sleeping through the night yet, so Connie, my sister, went to bed when Pilar did in hopes of getting some shut-eye before the next feeding. They are also on a different time here and it's late for them. They are in bed and I am upstairs in the guest room with the computer that just happens to be here too.

I asked permission to be online and they said "go for it!" I didn't have to be told twice!

Connie and Aaron, her husband, and I sat and chatted awhile. We didn't have a lot of time though. I will probably stay here the majority of tomorrow so I can talk with my other sister Dawn. I don't get a chance to see them often so I will enjoy what little time we have together. I am excited to get home to visit my parent's too!

The drive up was nice, except for the hour I drove through downpour around Louisville. Saw a pretty bad wreck on the way. I had just gotten back on the highway after refueling, and then a police car merged on and took off on ahead. Maybe two or three miles up the road I caught up to him stopped at a wreck. I couldn't tell what actually happened, but I'm sure it was a result of poor visibility in the rainstorm. A pick-up was on it's side off the road on the left and another car was smashed into its underside. There were no ambulances, but I had come up on the accident just behind the first police car to arrive. I was wondering if I may have been in it if I hadn't stopped for gas. Never know.

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